Frequently Asked Questions

Palm View believes in a simplified approach to transformation that boils down to our the four A’s of recovery:


In these four steps individuals find a template for change that applies to the micro as well as the macro.

All Palm View staff have experience working in addictions treatment. Some are recovering addicts themselves. Our main focus is that Palm View employees embrace a growth mindset and be engaged in their own personal development. Therapists have advanced degrees in counseling and/or psychology.

When not engaged in therapy sessions Palm View clients are urged to stay active in their recovery. Whether it is a workout at the gym, a local 12-step meeting, or a hike, Palm View keeps clients in a productive space that propels growth and evolution. The longer clients are in our care the more freedoms they are given. This ultimately leads to the creation of a life filled with commitments and responsibilities in line with a functioning member of society (job, relationships, leadership roles, etc.)

By fostering an environment of wellness and perpetual growth, Palm View is the ideal space for a person to heal and re-member to the whole. This begins with an abstinence based culture. At Palm View clients experience safety and acceptance. This allows them the perfect conditions to develop an effective set of coping skills that they will utilize long after they leave out care.

During the client’s intake protocol any physical and mental issues will be identified and addressed accordingly. This could look like a referral to an outside medical professional or an appointment with our psychiatric division.

At Palm View clients are required to participate in some semblance of exercise and are educated on the direct effects of diet and nutrition on mental health.

Clients are also offered an opportunity to take advantage of our smoking cessation program and given resources should they decide to be tobacco free.

Palm View offers a wide breadth of evidence based treatments. CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), and REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) are the foundation. We also place high value on the present moment through guided mindfulness and meditation practices.

We understand that addiction afflicts people from all walks of life including differing faiths. We aim to foster an environment where our clients can comfortably and confidently strengthen their spirituality, whatever that may look like for them.

Palm View is partnered with an MD devoted specifically to our clients. Telehealth services are easily accessible. We also provide transportation to in person appointments and have a detailed procedure for emergency medical situations.

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